Chart-Driven Macro Insights
for Investors
Topdown Charts Professional is for portfolio managers, investment advisers, and serious investors who require high-quality in-depth asset allocation insights to help manage risk, make better decisions, and stay informed.
Our goal is to make your job easier. We seek to simplify a complex and fast changing world into clear, concise, actionable insights so you can spend less time trawling through reports, and more time on the main thing.
These insights and ideas are conveyed with precision, clarity, and efficiency in our chart-focused reports. The suite of reports provides a comprehensive set of resources to equip you to make investment decisions with confidence.
Topdown Charts Professional is our *full service* offering
(see how it compares to our entry-level offering in the table below).
The base rate is $3,500/year per user, but please get in touch for group-rate pricing for multiple users and/or if you have any specific requirements.
To subscribe to Topdown Charts Professional simply hit the subscribe button below and select the relevant option (or contact us for group-rate pricing for multiple users).
Please also review the Terms of Service before subscribing.
The Reports (what’s included in the service)
Weekly Macro Themes: Core report, featuring up to 5 ideas/topics each week spanning investment ideas, risk management input, and meaningful macro insights. [SAMPLE]
Global Cross Asset Market Monitor: Weekly intelligence briefing on shorter term sentiment and technicals across global markets and asset classes. [SAMPLE]
Market Cycle Guidebook: A monthly focus on the medium-longer term factors such as cycle/valuation/monetary, updated capital market assumptions, and a summary of views across asset classes and TAA positioning guide. [SAMPLE]
Quarterly Strategy Pack: Slide pack of core views and charts across macro and markets to support discussions and presentations with clients. [SAMPLE]
If you are not ready to use the full breadth and depth of our insights in the Professional service, you can check out the entry-level service here or click the button below. The entry-level service is a more summary version which serves clients who require less detail or who have budgetary limits (or both!). The entry-level service is a good way to try us out before committing to the full service.
Thanks for your interest, hope to see you on the webinars or in the comments!
Kind regards,
Callum Thomas
Head of Research & Founder
Topdown Charts